is a Joke

Hello there guys..Well as you all know I have one goal in this internet thing. That is to make money online. I am finding and testing some potential websites that can make really and steady income.

A friend introduced me to an new social media site with a twist. I is really like but the owner of the website giveback 90% of the revenue of the site back to it's users. Well if you think about and how many billion dollars they making per year. It is a very interesting concept.

So last month I joined the site and keep my hopes high. I've been active for 1 month and guess what how much I've made. I just made $1.22 US Dollars in one Month and yeah I didn't even mention the worst part. Other members are backing out of it looks like a ghost town there right now and my earnings are going down not going up.

Sad to say it is a really nice concept but I thing the owners are greedy and they really didn't show the right computation of the earnings.

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